Google Earth Maps

DV TNCH03To download a Google Earth map file, just click on the underlined layer name in the list below.

The main milestones layer has been split into English regions, Wales and Scotland because with over 12,000 milestones the complete map file is too large for most computers to manage effectively. The boundary markers and fingerposts layers have been split into 3 UK regions for the same reason.

Each layer has its own coloured icons as indicated in the list, so that you can see at a glance which is which, when you display more than one layer at a time.

Icons are labelled with their database national ID number for reference purposes. Clicking on an icon will produce a window with information about the marker and a photograph if available. Some photographs are stored in the Milestone Society's own repository, some are on external sites such as Flickr, Images of England or GeoGraph.

Information on parishes in the map files is provided courtesy of Historic England.

When you finish using Google Earth, your computer will ask whether you wish to save or discard the temporary map files you have downloaded. If you save them, they will be stored on your computer and will be displayed every time you open Google Earth; otherwise, you can discard them and download them afresh from this web site whenever you wish.


Layer Contents Icons Issue Date
Milestones - see map milestones and inscribed guideposts pre-1939 July 23
Boundary Markers - North boundary markers & pre-1939 commemorative waymarkers - Scotland & Northern England July 23
Boundary Markers - Centre boundary markers & pre-1939 commemorative waymarkers - Wales & Midland England July 23
Boundary Markers - South boundary markers & pre-1939 commemorative waymarkers -
Southern England & Channel Islands
July 23
Crosses stone crosses and uninscribed guide posts July 23
Modern Waymarkers new milestones and waymarkers since 1939, excluding replacements July 23
Canal Milemarkers canal milemarkers Mar 23
Fingerposts - North fingerposts & village entry signs - Scotland & Northern England July 23
Fingerposts - Centre fingerposts & village entry signs - Wales & Midland England July 23
Fingerposts - South fingerposts & village entry signs - Southern England & Channel Islands July 23
AA Signs AA signs July 23
Tollhouses tollhouses February 23